TOP 10 FASTEST BIRDS IN THE WORLD 10.ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD Anna's hummingbird is 3.9 to 4.3 in (9.9 to 10.9 cm) long. It has an iridescent bronze-green back, a pale grey chest and belly, and green flanks. Its bill is long, straight, and slender. The adult male has an iridescent crimson-red derived from magenta to a reddish-pink crown and gorget , which can look dull brown or gray without direct sunlight and a dark, slightly forked tail. Females also have iridescent red gorgets, though they are usually smaller and less brilliant than the males'. Anna's is the only North American hummingbird species with a red crown . Females and juvenile males have a dull green crown, a grey throat with or without some red iridescence, a grey chest and belly, and a dark, rounded tail with white tips on the outer feathers. It flies with the speed of 98.27 kmph / 61.06 mph. 9.GREY-HEADED ALBATROSS The grey-headed albatross averages 81 cm (32 in) in length and 2.2 m (7.2 f